Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Baby's First Booties

This was my very first knitting project. New born baby booties for Dimple's baby.

Project date: 31st December 2011

Knitting Pattern

3.5 mm needles

Cast on 33 sts loosely (use a slightly larger needle if you like to cast on and off with). 

Work *K1, P1* Rib Stitch for 10 rows.

Eyelet row: K1, * YO, K2tog * . Repeat from *'s to end.

P next row.

Divide for instep
K 22 sts, turn, P back over 11 sts
Work in Stockinette Stitch (K row, P row) for 14 rows on the 11 stitches. (You'll end on P row)
Pick up 7 sts on right side of instep, K11 sts of instep
Pick up 7 sts on left side of instep, K11 sts to complete row - 47 sts. 

Work 9 rows in stocking stitch. ( It'll be a little tight till you get a few rows up from the instep.)

Heel and toe shaping: 
Row 1: K2, K2tog, K17, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K to end
Row 2: K2, K2tog, K to end. 
Row 3: K2, K2tog, K15, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K to end
Row 4: K2, K2tog, K to end. 
Row 5: K2, K2tog, K13, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K to end
Row 6: K2, K2tog, K to end.
Bind off loosely.

Finishing: Sew back/sole seam.
Thread ribbon through the eyelets.

This youtube link shows really well how to divide for the instep

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