Sunday, 5 February 2012

Theres-No-Place-Like-Home Baby Booties

Inspired by Dorothy's red slippers from The Wizard Of Oz

Project Date: 5th February 2012

Knitting Pattern

4.5 mm needles
Red Yarn

Cast on 27 Stitches

1st  Row: (WS). Knit.
2nd Row: K1. yfwd. K12. yfwd. K1. yfwd. K12. yfwd. K1. 31 sts.
3rd  Row: Knit
4th  Row: K1. yfwd. K14. yfwd. K1. yfwd. K14. yfwd. K1. 35 sts.
5th Row: Knit
6th row: K1. yfwd. K16. yfwd. K1. yfwd. K16. yfwd. K1. 39 sts.
Knit 11 rows (garter st).

Shape toe , dividing instep:
(Unlike the First Baby Booties, you don't need to pick up stitches, pattern incoporates this)

1st  Row: K15. K2tog. K5. Sl1. K1. psso. Sl1. yf. Turn.
2nd Row: K2tog. K5. Sl1. K1. psso. yf. Sl1P. Turn.
3rd Row: K2tog. K5. Sl1. K1. psso. Sl1. yf. Turn.
4th Row: As 2nd row.
5th Row: K2tog. K5. Sl1. K1. psso. Sl1. Turn.
6th Row: P2togtbl. P5. P2tog. Sl1P. Turn.
7th Row:  As 5th row.
8th rows: As 6th row.
9th row: K2tog. K5. Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to end of row. 21 sts.
10th row: Purl.

Continue in garter st for 2 inches, ending with a WS row. Cast off.
Sew sole seam. Sew back seam, reversing seam 1½ins from cast off edge for turn back.

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